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Ammon Nelson Law recognizes the unique characteristics and varying goals of each individual case, and provides customized, comprehensive and results driven legal services in the areas of divorce, custody, guardianship, personal injury, trusts, wills, and other civil litigation. Legal disputes can cause emotional, psychological, and even physical side effects which ultimately negatively affect a legal case. Ammon Nelson Law builds and maintains strategic partnerships with professionals from a variety of industries to ensure each case becomes the first step toward a healthy and well-balanced life for the client.
2650 Washington Blvd., Suite 102, Ogden, Utah

Monday, September 23, 2013

5 Tips to Help You Move on After Divorce

1. Allow yourself time to grieve
Divorce is a big deal and it is ok to take time to be sad and upset. Divorce can take its toll on you both mentally and physically. Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't feel like you can enjoy the activities you used to take pleasure in.  And if you are concerned that if you let yourself grieve you will never return to normal life, you can put a time frame for your grief period. Figure out how long you need to feel sad and set an end date. Although this may seem silly, it can help you get back on track after a healthy grieving period.
2. Embrace your single life
While the single life is definitely different from marriage, for many people it can be a refreshing time to rediscover who they really are. Take time to figure out who you really are and what you like to do. Have fun. Enjoy not being in a relationship for a little while.
3. Find good friends or a support group
Having good friends, especially those who are single, can be very helpful during and after your divorce. It can be hard to relate to your friends who are still married, but having a friend or two who have gone through a divorce, and understand what a roller coaster it can be, can be great to talk to. 
A divorce support group can offer the same relief to you both during and after a divorce. Sometimes it may be hard to find other single friends or single parents so attending a divorce support group can help you find others who have experienced similar situations. And it is also possible for you to find friends from the support group.
4. Take good care of yourself
Among all of the chaos that can be divorce, make sure to take time for yourself. You deserve time for a night out with friends, a good dinner, a candle lit bubble bath, or time playing golf. Make sure to schedule this time in your week. This can be especially important if you are now a single parent. Figure out who can watch your child or children for even just an hour so that you can relax and regroup.
5.  Look forward to your future
Yes, the future can look scary. It may seem daunting to look at your future without someone by your side. The obstacles that appear  may seem overwhelming. But instead of being weighed down, look at the positive aspects of your new freedom and future. What have you always wanted to do that your past relationship didn't allow? What do you want to do with your life? Make a plan to make the future you want become a reality.

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